Tuesday, February 14, 2006

TS Update: Recent Diggs, Podcast?, No updates

In the past week I've gone from not knowing about digg.com to being a huge fan. For those that don't know, it's a social bookmarking news site that allows users to "digg" news and drive stories to the front page. In addition, a video podcast called Diggnation goes through some of the top stories of the week. At least check out the podcast because it's good entertainment.

So anyways, you'll notice now that my sidebar has my recent diggs, so you can see news that I think is interesting that I might not cover as a blog post.

I'm hopefully going to start podcasting soon, so be on the lookout.

I obviously haven't been doing much here in a while. It's because I have 4 jobs. And college classes.

Friday, February 10, 2006

One Year of TS!

Yesterday marked one year of Tsunami Steve. I was out on the road doing video, so I didn't have time to post on Thursday. Anyways, no big announcements or anything. I thought about revamping this whole site, but decided to take a slightly different approach. More news on that later... maybe. Anyways, I'm gonna go eat some cake.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

THIS JUST IN: Learn Arabic and Strategery

So... umm... the Army is teaching its officers Arabic. Isn't this about 15-20 years late?

Also, Army Col. Mark Patterson says:
"We're trying to develop officers to be strategic thinkers..."

I don't even know what to say other than, "Wow, those jeans are pulled up high."

[via CNN]

Monday, February 06, 2006


This probably violates some copyright laws, but a site called first10minutes.com let's you watch--you guessed it--the first 10 minutes of a movie. They have a decent collection to choose from, and it's worth checking out before you head to Blockbuster or Best Buy (or Circuit City). Which reminds me, I still need to get a Netflix subscription going.

[via digg]

Friday, February 03, 2006

My Top Bands of All Time

These is my small list of bands that I think are truly great. I don't care if you agree, because music means lots of different things to lots of different people. These are in no particular order and are on the list for various reasons.

-The Beatles
-Red Hot Chili Peppers

I'll update this list from time to time, so check back.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Punxsutawney Phil Exposed!

See the lighting in that picture? It's not from the sun, but rather a production crew. If the media would stop glorifying a useless groundhog and leave it's lighting kit at home, maybe we would stop always having 6 more weeks of winter.

Great movie though.

A Moron and Some Really Intelligent People

John Patterson of Louisiana is suing Apple because he has experienced hearing loss since he began listening to music with his iPod. But wait, Patterson's attorney said John doesn't know for sure if the iPod caused his hearing loss. The attorney adds:

"He's bought a product which is not safe to use as currently sold on the market. He's paying for a product that's defective, and the law is pretty clear that if someone sold you a defective product they have a duty to repair it."

If iPods are defective for causing someone that lsitens to music too loud to experience hearing loss, the world clearly needs to be cleansed of knives, guns, vehicles, alcohol, and hamburgers, as they may cause undesireable effects if abused are also defective.

Also in the article:

Although the iPod is more popular than other types of portable music players, its ability to cause noise-induced hearing problems isn't any higher, experts said.

Somebody is getting overpaid.

[From CNN]